söndag 27 juli 2014

Sour lime

This puppy is just adorable. :)

LOL... :D

... but why does he keep eating on it?!

söndag 20 juli 2014

Suprise dance

This is what I want on my wedding day...

...such an amazing surpirse!

Here is another one, not as choreographed but still sooo funny! :D

Love it!

söndag 13 juli 2014

Michael Jackson Tribute

Let's watch a Michael Jackson Tribute today:

... I guess it is a couple of hours worth of practice behind this performance. Amazing! :)

söndag 6 juli 2014


How to make baking a strawberry cake more fun...

... add electrical chocks and surströmming (Fermented herring).

Hilarious! :)